Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How does YOUR garden grow?

OK, so mine is pretty DEAD from the incredible lack of rain, thank you very much. I was so excited this year to finally install a really nice garden for my family. It started out so nice too. I tilled much of it with my hands. It was a great project to work on while I was going through the harder days of chemotherapy. I would even just lie in the grass sometimes and take in the sun and fresh air. I know my neighbors thought I was a nut. Oh well. Maybe there's hope for a fall garden.

In the meantime I buy all our fruits and veggies organic at the store or local co-op and just pretend some of it's from my garden. This way, I'm also supporting the local farmers who must be suffering much more than I during this drought. I love living in denial. Hey, it works for me.

My salad today was SO delicious and fresh. It tasted just like it was straight from the backyard garden. :) I hope it inspires you to do something healthy for yourself today!

Fresh Garden Salad

Chopped Greens, romaine, spinach, etc.
tomato, diced
beet, diced
a few mint leaves
thin slice of sweet onion, diced
1/2 avocado, diced
1/2 cucumber, peeled and diced
hemp seeds
juice of 1 lime
flax oil
pinch of mineral-rich sea salt

You'll notice I didn't use specific measurements. That's because every salad should be unique to the person eating it in order to enjoy it fully.

Romaine greens and tomatoes are not only rich in fiber they are also cooling which helps with summer heat (and chemo-related hot flashes!).
Psalm 52:7-9
"But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gluten-Free Granola - it's about time!!

My entire family loves granola. Who doesn't? Since my son, Robert (6), is a celiac, meaning he can't have gluten products (including oats), I've been working on a gluten-free granola recipe for what seems like forever! They always seem to turn out very nut-heavy, which doesn't really work for breakfast. Of course, I'd also like it to fit into my cancer-fighting list of foods. Well, I'm proud to say, I think I finally hit the mark!

The following recipe is my version of a traditional granola, only better! No oats so no gluten. It's sweetened with agave nectar, so it's also low-glycemic (good for cancer fighters). It's also very simple to make and loaded with spices, whole grains, seeds, and nuts - all good for the healing body. This is something I would have LOVED to nibble on when I was going through chemotherapy. It's not too sweet, and settles very nicely in the tummy too. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. The children all give this a big thumbs up!

Gluten-Free Rice & Spice Granola

1/3 C light olive oil or coconut oil (in liquid state)
¾ C agave nectar
1 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract
4 1/2 C puffed brown rice*
1 C pecans or walnuts
1 C almonds
1/2 C sunflower seeds
2/3 C pumpkin seeds
½ C hazelnuts
½ C dried, unsweetened coconut (shredded)
¾ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
½ tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp sea salt

If you have time for it, soak the nuts in water overnight to remove the tannins. Drain and rinse well, and allow them to dry before using in this recipe. This will make them much easier to digest.

In a small saucepan, combine the oil and agave nectar and stir over medium-low heat. Allow it to heat until bubbles begin to form from the bottom of the pan, but do not boil. Remove from heat and allow it to cool for about 5 minutes. Add vanilla.

Pulse-chop all nuts and seeds in a food processor until minced. Combine remaining ingredients in a large bowl with nuts and seeds. Pour oil/agave syrup over dry ingredients and mix to coat well.
Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Spread the mixture over both sheets. Cook at 250 degrees for 1 hour. Serve with almond milk and fresh berries.

*Barbara’s Bakery Organic Brown Rice Crisps is highly recommended. There are only three ingredients: Organic Whole Grain Brown Rice, Organic Fruit Juice Concentrate (Apple, Peach, Pear or Pineapple), and Sea Salt. If you can find one with even fewer ingredients, all the better.

This is one of the few times you'll see me using a packaged ingredient as I do my best to avoid them as much as possible. I believe this to be a reasonable compromise however. :)

The almonds, whole grains, and spices in this dish make it a joy for the digestive tract as well as the nervous system. There is also some argument among researchers that almonds help to inhibit cancer growth and lower cholestrol.